As a strong open source software and open hardware supporter, i spend a lot of time building things both for pleasure, work or just cause i need them in support of other projects.
This include writing software, send patches to third party projects, collaborating with other hackers, build/improve laboratory tools and so on, with only a common thing: they are open and free licensed.
Of course passion alone doesn’t pay bills, so, the time i can put on sharing my efforts only limited time on my own. If you like what i do and you like to support me to put more time on this, you can contribute with a donation on the projects you like/need more.
As for little you can contribute it will be a huge help for me to continue to dedicate more and more time to those projects. Also, feel free to contact me and propose any project you like to bring to my attention, i cannot promise i will put my head on it, but i’m interested in any new idea that can exciting my mind.
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Following, a list of my projects grouped by typology
Sysadmin utils - For my own needs i wrote some scripts and utils for (Linux) system administration. I share them cause they can be usefull for others too, and i would like to implement new features if requested. Projects shared at [wc_qd_single id=1561... Continue Reading →
electric discharge/erosion CNC machine - Electric discharge machining is a great and cheap technique that let you mark or even engrave, cut and drill metal without mechanical removing material.
Here my projects using this technology.
Rasky KVM over IP - Rasky is a low cost open source (hardware and software) KVM over IP built on top of the well known RaspberryPI model 2B featuring VGA video capture, USB keyboard and mouse emulation, remote control both by web (ajax VNC) and VNC, remote relay switches and digital inputs.
Devuan GNU/Linux - Devuan GNU/Linux is a fork of Debian without systemd. I'm one of the project founders and one of the main developers.
3drag modifications - 3drag is a common 3d printer in KIT from an Italian manufacturer, also rebranded as k8200. This project is about my improvements and modifications on 3d rag and 3d printers in general
Woocommerce and wordpress plugins - Sometime i patch or write plugins for wordpress and woocommerce. I do that for my own usage, but i release them to benefit others too.
K40 chinese laser modifications - I own a k40 chinese laser cutter, a low cost co2 laser cutter very customizable. I have improved it in many way, and released a lot of code to use it that can benefit other DIY and open laser based projects too.