digital buffer
Showing all 2 results
SafePI – RaspberryPI 1B+, 2 and 3 battery backed safe shutdown / UPS
- It notify the RPI on power fail on a configurable GpIO
- recharge the batteries.
- voltage regulator, accept from 5V to 25V.
- Low battery drain when off
- optionally stackable
- It uses 4x commonly available AA Ni-MH batteries
- Very long battery duration
- Open Source design (GPL Licensed)
3drag PowerPWM
- Fast digital buffer
- opto-isolated circuits
- 8 to 16V input
- 24V up to 10A for the output circuit
- open source design
- ideal for driving 3drag/k8200 and other 3d printers heatbed with an additional 24V powe unit